prepaid virtual credit card
virtual visa carduse with Paypal account or
payment anywhere visa is accepted
Join in our 5 Million Credit Cards Promotion
1. Do you have problems getting your own credit cards?
Multiple millions of people around the world have problems getting credit cards to use for their Internet purchases and are forced to reject most good offers they see all over the Internet. Based on this analysis, TruCards has brought to your door step an affordable Credit Card service that not only allows you to buy whatever you want on the Internet but to also have your own affordable virtual credit cards for your Internet shopping experience.
2. Are your credit card applications rejected because of your country?
Citizens of over 80% of countries are rejected when applying for Credit Cards on the Internet. These policies are to prevent illegal access to Credit Cards by unauthorized users intended to use the card for fraudulent purpose. TruCards provides affordable prepaid virtual credit cards that anyone of any nationality can use legally to purchase goods and services on the Internet.
3. Have you obtained Credit Cards some where that was rejected by PayPal, ClickBank, Amazon, 2CheckOut, Google, Yahoo, MSN, Skype or Net2Phone?
Even when most people struggle to get Credit Cards, these same cards are not accepted by Internet's major merchants and service providers. You ask yourself "of what benefit is this Credit Card to me after all the problems of getting it" This leaves you even more frustrated than before you got the cards. Our prepaid virtual visa credit cards gives you the freedom to purchase Internet wide anywhere Visa is accepted.
4. Do you have difficulties verifying your Credit Card on your PayPal account?
PayPal will not accept credit cards issued in certain countries due to their policy and security procedures to rid their financial system of possible fraudulent purchases. They prevent illegal users while giving the best Internet experience to law abiding Internet Entrepreneurs. Adding virtual credit cards obtained from TruCards to you paypal account is hassle-free because our cards are issued by a US Bank and we also intend that all our customers use our virtual credit cards only for legal Internet purchases.
5. Do you want to stop paying too much to get Credit Cards?
Most Credit Card Providers on Internet demand fees that are too high even with cards of very little value. For example paying $65 for a credit card that has just $5 value. We have come with one of the most affordable credit cards service in the credit card market that you can easily order. You can compair our with that of your present virtual credit card provider by order our smallest card
6. Are your Credit Cards declined because of your country or location?
Payment processing websites have a way of indentifying everyone that is accessing their websites by IP addresses. These IP addresses are mapped to your country or location to determine where you are coming from. Your credit cards will be declined if you location or IP happens to be on their black list. We provide assistance for our members to help mediate between them and the merchants to assure them of the autheticity of your virtual credit card and the genuity of your purchase.
7. Do you want a Credit Card that does not require you submiting your ID?
Identity theft is a major issue ravaging the Internet at this moment, Internet been a stateless and "faceless" entity allows the use of somebody else's identity to commit Internet crimes. TruCards has come up with ID-free credit card services that does not require you submiting any form of identification before you can purchase our virtual credit cards.
8. Finally, do you want a surefire way to earn $2,500 per month and partake of our 100,000 free Credit Cards?
TruCards has a target to issue 5,000,000 before the middle of this year. 2% or 100,000 credit cards will be given free to our members. Referer membership is free for anyone that has a member account on our website. You can begin to earn money even before you buy your own card. You get commission for life on anyone that you refer to us each time they buy new credit cards or reload an existing card. A notification email will be sent to you each time you earn commission in your account. Only registered members will get commission.