Monday, 28 May 2007

Fotolia is the first worldwide social marketplace for royalty free stock images, allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy and share stock images and illustrations.
Fotolia offers the largest image bank of free and affordable royalty free photos and illustrations perfect for any medium, web or print.
Photographers and designers constantly update Fotolia with thousands of new photos and illustrations each day, while photographers and designers receive commission from each photo sold and revenue from advertising on the free section.
Above all Fotolia is a huge community of creative people who enjoy sharing, learning, and expressing themselves through
forums and blog.

Similar to the music or film industry we believe that every artist’s (photographers and designers) image is a work of the soul and protected by intellectual property rights.
Fotolia is convinced that the principle reason for illegal pirated use of protected images is mainly due to the high price barrier created by other agencies.
Fotolia provides a compromise between photographers and buyers, by protecting a photographer’s intellectual property rights and providing high commissions, while legally lowering the price barrier so that everyone may enjoy/afford these beautiful images.
Fotolia challenges the traditional closed agency model by offering to everyone hobbyist or professional the opportunity to monetize their talents, whatever their fame, status, or size of portfolio. Thanks to our collaborative online model, Fotolia is able to offer individuals and professionals (advertising agencies, press, small business, graphic artists, designers) the greatest image collection in the world for free or as little as $1.

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